It’s hard to ignore the media headlines fueling a surge of panic among people across the globe, even right here in the Houston Area with recent novel coronavirus cases. At Oak Fitness, we understand customers have many questions and concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19). Because your health and safety are our top priority, we want to share some insightful information with you regarding the coronavirus and what to do about going to the gym.

First and foremost, we advise everyone to continue his or her daily routine, unless otherwise directed by government health officials. The best way to protect yourself is to practice frequent hand washing hygiene (washing with soap for at least 20 seconds), covering your coughs and sneezes, and staying home if you are sick. The CDC reports that the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, and lung diseases are most at risk of becoming very ill from COVID-19. We encourage you to speak with your primary care physician for specific concerns regarding your health and the risk of contracting the virus if you have an underlying health condition. But most healthy individuals should not worry about becoming sick.

Should I go to the gym during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Yes, if you are a healthy individual showing no signs or symptoms of COVID-19, we encourage you to stick to your routine. Daily exercise is an essential part of maintaining good physical health and preventing cardiovascular illnesses. The CDC reports that cardio-vascular disease affects nearly half of adults in the U.S. And, there are severe health risks associated with poor physical health, including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even cognitive decline that leads to Alzheimer’s. While the outbreak of COVID-19 may have people panicking, the health threats associated with poor health are just as serious. Continue with your exercise routine to minimize your risk of developing other types of disease.

How does Oak Fitness protect customers against coronavirus?

At our location, each of our team members use universal precautions and are trained in OSHA standards for cleaning and sanitizing our gym equipment. Our office uses EPA-approved disinfectants specially designed to kill viruses and bacteria, and other blood-borne pathogens. These efforts help minimize the risk of transmitting germs from one patient to another. We also adhere to the CDC’s hand hygiene recommendation for washing our hands thoroughly and between treating customers. These sanitizing and sterilization methods are in effect regardless of whether a patient presents with an infectious disease. For us, the coronavirus outbreak does not alter how we disinfect and clean our facility, because we always take necessary precautions that protect our customers and keep them safe.

 When should I not go to the gym?

For the safety of our team, and other customers, we ask that you call our office prior to coming in if you have a fever, cough, traveled outside of the country recently (or been in close contact with someone who has) been in close proximity with an individual that has a received a positive test result for the coronavirus. Otherwise, all healthy individuals should continue their normal activities, including keeping their exercise routine.

If you would like more information about our cleaning and sanitation protocols, please call us today at (832) 582-5025.